Specialist Installation services

We have worked with a wide range of specialist fabricators and commercial premises designers to integrate draught beer/wine/frizzante or cocktails into a wide variety of bars, Tap rooms, vintage vehicles, Tuk Tuks and commercial premises.

Case study 1: Classic VW van with 4-line draught beer installation.

Classic VW van.

Installed: 2 x Lindr Kontakt 155's.

We have a long history of installing Lindr units in some weird and wonderful places – here we worked with a specialist fabricator to install 2 x Lindr 155 units into the back of a classic VW van for a well known brewery.

The fonts were installed on the outside of the van and could be easily removed whilst the van was on the road.

On the inside the two 155’s were strapped in position and the pipework lagged to prevent any warming. 

Specialist installations

Close up of external fonts:

Using specialist Lindr accessories we ‘moved’ the fonts from the front of the Lindr 155’s and positioned them on the outside of the van. 

We keep stock of the font kits, which enable the fonts supplied with the Lindr units to be mounted elsewhere, or to fit an external font such as a Porta font.

Close up of font

Case study 2: Citroen H-van with Lindr CWP-200 for Peroni, PIMM's and Frizzante.

Citroen H van with CWP-100

We worked with the owner of this beautiful Citroen H-van to come up with a design that meant they could utilise a relatively small space to install a full blown draught dispense system. 

The tall, thin design of the Lindr CWP-200 meant it could fit perfectly in a small van and yet still provide 4 separate lines for Peroni, PIMM’s and Frizzante (with one spare).

The low power consumption of the CWP-200 and the fact the flash chiller is ready in 20 minutes means that this set-up is the ideal solution for a vehicle. 

With cold water recirculation up to the beautiful chrome Porta illuminated fonts ensuring the drinks are kept ice cold right up to the dispense head – even on the hottest of days!

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