Key Keg Beers

Key Keg beers – we have a selection of IPA’s, Lagers, wines and ciders in Key Kegs.

Great for prolonging the life expectancy of the product – once opened the product will last for 28 days. Unopened they last for up to one year.

Key Kegs work brilliantly with Lindr dispensers, particularly the Profi units (30/K, 40/K and 55/K).

You will need a Key Keg coupler to connect a Key Keg to your existing system, they work with Lindr units and most under-counter coolers.

Frizzante requires a pressure of 3.5 bar – so you will need to use a Profi unit or regulator/gas to ensure you get the high pressure.

Key Keg beers, wines, IPA’s come in either 20 or 30 Litre sizes – most beers are 30 litre.

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